Edward Scissorhands
Rate 54

Edward Scissorhands

Tim Burton Edward Scissorhands Movie Character

Screenshots & Video

Edward Scissorhands - Spark AR
Edward Scissorhands - Spark AR
Edward Scissorhands - Spark AR


From the movie Edward Scissorhands! I present you to Ed!!!

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Lego Universe
Rate 43

Lego Universe

Enter in the lego universe

Screenshots & Video

Lego Universe - Spark AR


Enter in the lego universe with this interactive filter, reacts to face rotation

Butterfly cloth
Rate 42

Butterfly cloth

This project contains unique 3D clothing created specifically for this lens.

Screenshots & Video

Butterfly cloth - Lens Studio


To use the lens, point the phone at the person, the 3D model has moving wings that respond to body movement

Chernovan Nemesis
Rate 33

Chernovan Nemesis

Valued Customers: Safety Announcement!

Screenshots & Video

Chernovan Nemesis - Fectar
Chernovan Nemesis - Fectar
Chernovan Nemesis - Fectar


We would like to remind our valued customers not to land their spaceships on driveways.

Several complaints about neighbours’ cars being crushed.

Please, follow the directions on your augmented reality manual and land on a nearby park.

Landings are forbidden during school entry and leaving hours in parks.

After disembarking, activate the artificial intelligence roaming system to send your spaceship to our automated hovering mother ships.

This way will leave more space in parks for other landings.

When needed, just use your Fectar app to request your spaceship and it will return to the same spot from where it has previously landed.

Thank you for your understanding.


Don't drink and fly.

Fly responsible.

The Nemesis The Chernovan Nemesis which was featured in the 2007 released PS3 multiplayer shooter called WarHawk. 

3D and motion by Swiss_Fox

Love Machine
Rate 31

Love Machine

Love Machine AR Filter

Screenshots & Video

Love Machine - Spark AR
Love Machine - Spark AR
Love Machine - Spark AR


Tap the screen to show your inner love machine! This effect was created for Valentine's Day, with the purpose of spreading the love of some robots on Instagram.

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Сartoon character
Rate 31

Сartoon character

Answer the questions and find out the result.

Screenshots & Video

Сartoon character - Spark AR


Head left or right to choose the answers. Each subsequent question depends on the previous answer. At the end, a picture from the cartoon is displayed.

Pride Parade
Rate 25

Pride Parade

Pride Parade Filter Mask AR

Screenshots & Video

Pride Parade - Spark AR
Pride Parade - Spark AR
Pride Parade - Spark AR


A pride parade is an outdoor event celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary and queer social and self acceptance, achievements, legal rights, and pride. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage.

Tree House
Rate 20

Tree House

Welcome to the Tree House

Screenshots & Video

Tree House - Fectar


Welcome to the Tree House

See what sort of experience is possible to bring, to three billion smartphones today.

Invite your friends bo be there together with you

It’s a collaboration experience that only Fectar can provide today, with no additional hardware.

Only your smartphone.

Batteries Included. Have fun.


Classic Paris
Rate 18

Classic Paris

This filter was made inspired by old fashion, something classy, ​​vintage, with a light touch of Paris.

Screenshots & Video

Classic Paris - Spark AR


Spark Ar with 3d objects

makeup: highlighter, contour, blush, lipstick, eyeliner, 3d eyelashes, eyeshadow.

Living TV
Rate 15

Living TV

Show your camera in this living TV

Screenshots & Video

Living TV - Spark AR


Show your camera in this living TV

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