Chernovan Nemesis

Editorial choice Chernovan Nemesis Live

Valued Customers: Safety Announcement!

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We would like to remind our valued customers not to land their spaceships on driveways.

Several complaints about neighboursโ€™ cars being crushed.

Please, follow the directions on your augmented reality manual and land on a nearby park.

Landings are forbidden during school entry and leaving hours in parks.

After disembarking, activate the artificial intelligence roaming system to send your spaceship to our automated hovering mother ships.

This way will leave more space in parks for other landings.

When needed, just use your Fectar app to request your spaceship and it will return to the same spot from where it has previously landed.

Thank you for your understanding.


Don't drink and fly.

Fly responsible.

The Nemesis The Chernovan Nemesis which was featured in the 2007 released PS3 multiplayer shooter called WarHawk. 

3D and motion by Swiss_Fox

How to Use it

Demonstrate AR capabilities in normal Smartphones.

You need to download Fectar App for iOS or Android devices to use this Augmented Reality experience.

Once you get an app, click on the 'CHECK IT OUT ON THE WEB' button; the QR code will open and then scan it with your default smartphone's camera.

Target Images

Info Scan these images to discover AR content

Get it now

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