Zepher Co

Virtual try on Body/Facial Mobile

A product try on filter for anything face or body based

Virtual try on


We build 3D assets that render accurately in SparkAR filters and create interactions for colour selection or product variant selection.

The 3D assets can be used for future filters at a lower cost. All we need to start is high quality images fo the products from all a number of angles or if you have them, we can work off CAD drawings and product swatches for colours.

Our product try on filters are described as realistic and accurate by our customers and our team has a good eye for detail to ensure your product renders with realistic colours and proportions.

We can also provide the sample video using our own models for your video promotions but you may want to use your own and we can coach you on the best way to record your sample video.

Base filters cost $650 with additional variants at $250 each.