Magic Mom Hacks

Magic Mom Hacks Live

A handy set of WebAR #magicmomhacks for Mother’s Day by Geenee AR

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Happy early Mother's Day to all you moms out there! Our gift to you is a handy set of WebAR #MagicMomHacks to buy you a few moments of invaluable 'me time.' Give it a try and pass it along to your fave mom friends. ⁠

Open this link in your Safari or Chrome browser on mobile.

P.S. we built this in just a few minutes on our WebAR Builder ?

How to Use it

The experience includes a series of #MagicMomHacks in WebAR to help moms reclaim their time this Mother's Day. 

1) When your kid won't stop asking for things, simply refer them to the Magic Ball. It will keep them busy as they try over and over again for a "yes"... but this Magic Ball only says "No."

2) Display some caution signs to ensure that nobody interrupts your "me" time.

3) What time is it? This clock says it's bedtime. All. The. Time.

4) Moms work hard! Pat yourself on the back and bask in the glory of your "Best Mom" trophy. You've earned it.

Happy Mother's Day! Take pics, screen record, and send the link to your favorite mom friends to celebrate. Share on social to be featured in our gallery.

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