Earth Day

Earth Day Live

Customizable snapchat filter for Earth day.

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April 22nd was designated as International Mother Earth Day by the General Assembly of the UN in 2009. But, this was just the culmination of several decades of various organizations trying to raise awareness about the need to protect the environment. The term Mother Earth is is used because it describes the nurturing nature of the planet, and the interdependence of all the species that inhabit it. At the heart of Mother Earth Day is the spirit of unity and inclusiveness. Now more than ever, it is our responsibility to stand together with each other, and with nature. In this year, which has been one crisis after another, on Mother Earth Day let's take a step towards a more conscious way of living. Wish others a Happy Mother Earth Day, and spread awareness about doing our part to protect the environment, so we may have many happier ones in the future.

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