Creative agency
Superfan.AI is considered to be one of the pioneers and flag bearers of Augmented Reality from India. The company has been founded purely by the innovation of AR solutions for every single Bollywood and Hollywood studio in India. Superfan has grown from 3 employees to over 18 employees primarily by focusing on answers to the famous “What’s new” segment and have made sure that Bollywood is known for their innovations in AR.
This Company doesn't have services yet
{{ project.priceWithCommissionDisplay }}
- {{ project.firstCategoryTitle }} {{ project.firstCategoryTitle }} +{{ project.categories.length - 1 }}
{{ project.statusTitle }}
This company doesn't have
Activity yet
This company doesn't have any
XR Projects yet
{{ project.priceWithCommissionDisplay }}
- {{ project.firstCategoryTitle }} {{ project.firstCategoryTitle }} +{{ project.categories.length - 1 }}
{{ project.statusTitle }}
This company doesn't have any
Marketplace products yet
This company doesn't have any
XR Articles yet