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Space Voyager Game
Rating 20

Space Voyager Game Templates


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This template is designed for AR Developers, designers and creatives. No need to waste time creating, testing game mechanics - with this template you can create a fully customized Space Voyager Game in minutes!

Easy and powerful. You can:
- Create your own objects and obstacles, adjust spawn chances and collider sizes.
- Set maximum amount of health points
- Customize movement. Set initial speed, speed multiply interval, speed multiplier
- Fully customize audio system
- Change object spawn logic. Set min and max spawn interval and spawn position
- Add game Timer
- Create additional mini games

Documentation: https://template-docs.arey.es/space-voyager.pdf

Template support co-op up to 2 players!
Try it! https://www.instagram.com/ar/1345949785765589/

How to Use it

You can find instructions inside

Target Images

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