Eyup Cimen

Eyup Cimen


Experience: 8 year(s)

Skills: Swift, Objective-C, Mobile apps, iOS, Games, AR content

Objective-C (+8)
Swift (+6)
- Coding with high object oriented concepts like delegates, protocols, closure , blocks, notifications methods etc.
- I use MVVM or MVC design pattern in all my applications
- I have little bit information for RIB’s Design Pattern
- I use Bitbucket and Sourcetree.
- I have JIRA about.
- I worked with RESTful APIs
- I use autolayout in all applications
- I use NFC Reader in one app.
- Instruments for tracking the performance, profiling, memory leaks etc.
- I used nearly 20 different built-in framework
- Apple IOS application adhoc/enterprise Distribution and Development processes
- All my app used autolayout and stroyboard.
- Testflight to distribute our beta apps to testers
- Experience in writing library and custom components with Objective C and Swift
- I wrote there are more than 25 iOS applications
- I wrote AR App

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