Slim Jim - Randy "Macho Man" Savage

Slim Jim - Randy "Macho Man" Savage Live

Groove Jones was brought on board by the agency B.I.O.S. to help them with the launch of this momentous, retro nostalgia event by creating a digital camera experience which turns fans into Randy “Macho Man” Savage!

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The legend of the Randy “Macho Man” Savage continues. Mattel, WWE, and Conagra are celebrating Savage’s time as a spokesperson for the Slim Jim brand and their memorable television commercials with a new action figure that is being released at Comic-con San Diego.

Groove Jones was brought on board by the agency B.I.O.S. to help them with the launch of this momentous, retro nostalgia event by creating a digital camera experience that turns fans into Randy “Macho Man” Savage!

How popular is retro pop culture in today’s world? Well, the action figure sold out online immediately after Sports Illustrated announced it. OH YEAH!!! The only way you can now get the action figure is at the Mattel booth at Comic-con.

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