REX Holographic

REX Holographic Live

AR Hololens App

Screenshots & Video


REX is a new type of AR platform for easy sharing of any 3D content. Whether you need an AR product catalog for your web shop, or just want to show your future home to family and friends, REX converts your 3D models into stunning holograms in just a few seconds.

Pick the 3D model (e.g. your home, a bookshelf, or some alien monster) and upload that 3D file to your REX account. That's it!

REX Holographic is the full-featured viewing and presentation app for all your REX models. REX Holographic can be controlled remotely from any phone, tablet or even a web browser. Explore your model by yourself or invite any number of users with their HoloLenses, AR smartphones and tablets to join the session.

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