Neon Edge

Neon Edge Live

Decorate your home or selfies with Neon lights and a black color scheme

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Today we present you a Snaplens that will open up opportunities for you to take selfies with neon edges. You can also use it to pimp your surrounding.

Neon lights a great addon for decorating homes or any interiors. Creator Mike has come up with a neon Augmented Reality lens for the Snapchat app; thus, you can decorate your home with beautiful neon colors and special lights around the edges. This filter has a black color scheme so that the rest part of your videos and photos will be represented in black.

You can also take stunning selfies with this Neon Edge AR filter. Use the front camera to activate selfie mode point at yourself, and a neon rainbow outline will appear. The developer came up with a black background to highlight your portrait and make you more visible in photos and videos.

This Augmented Reality effect with neon lights is also perfect because you can apply it to various physical objects to add more fun.

How to Use it

If you are using Catchar from the laptop or desktop, you have to click on the "UNLOCK THIS AR LENS" button. Then, a QR code will open and you can scan it by pointing your smartphone at the screen. Note that the newest OS phone versions allow scanning QR codes with default camera. Once you scan it, the Snapchat app will open with an unlocked AR effect. You need to have the Snapchat app installed.

If you are using a smartphone, you have to click on the "UNLOCK THIS AR LENS" button and then you will be automatically redirected to Snapchat website with unlocked AR effect. You need to have the Snapchat app installed.

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