nBlocks Hunt - Collect crypto
Find, Get, Share crypto in real-world.
Screenshots & Video
nBlocks Hunt AR will allow users to find, get and share blockchain assets in the real-world location in a fun way.
• Explore - Find interesting crypto blocks around you with AR
• Collect - Break the block and get crypto token rewards
• Quiz - Win token rewards by answering trivia questions
• Share - Share your content, memories, commercial with tokens in real-world
• Item - Get more tokens with various items.
•Support area:
- Full coverage: Seoul
- Limited coverage: Suwon, Changwon, Goyang, Yongin, Seongnam, Anyang, Gwangju, Deagu, Busan, Jeju, New York, San Francisco, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Hongkong, Shanghai, Shenzen, Beijing, Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru.
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