Earth and Planetary Science application
Screenshots & Video
GeoXplorer is an Earth and Planetary Science application. The user can view a variety of photogrammetric models of geological outcrops from around the world. Most of these can be viewed in full 1:1 scale and so can be explored as if the user is really there, as well as reduced to 1:10 scale for a better overview. There is also the option to view other planetary bodies (Moon and Mars) and eventually there'll be outcrops and DEMs to view for notable locations.
How to Use it
Voice commands:
"Compass" brings up strike-and-dip tool and places it at the Gaze hit location on the model
"Ruler" brings up the measurement tool and places it at the Gaze hit location on the model
"Measure" places the other end of the measurement tool
"Remove" hides the strike-and-dip or measurement tools
"Fetch" on the object stage, if the model appears in front of the menu, say fetch to tag-along the menu and move it in to a more accessible possition.
"Fix" fixes the menu into its current position
Airtap commands:
Planets can be rotated
Icons that turn red can be clicked
Teleportations can be achieved by airtap-and-hold on a model
Target Images
Scan these images to discover AR content
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